NJ Beekeepers is a not-for-profit, 501(c)(5).
By joining one of the 10 branches of the New Jersey Beekeepers Association, you are automatically a member of the state Association. You must join 1 branch as your primary, this should be the same branch where you will attend meetings. You can join 1 or more other branches as a secondary branch and pay $8 extra for each. Do not add your primary branch as your secondary.
All members of a family or household residing at the same address, are eligible for a family membership, known in Wild Apricot as a bundle. Family or household members under the age of 18 can be included in the family membership or they can have a separate "Junior" membership. For voting purposes at state meetings, e.g., state officer elections, changes to the Constitution and By-Laws, there is ONE vote per membership. If individual members in a family or household would like to vote, they should each opt for an individual membership.
The state newsletter is emailed about every 2 months.